Billabong Pipe masters, Hawaii.

Last year was one of the busiest years yet. I spent the majority of my time travelling and getting through year 12. Going to Hawaii was one way to spend December, and of course, it was fantastic. Another trip with Billabong, but this time there were around fifteen athletes that were involved! It was such a great opportunity to meet and hang out with the other girls part of the surfing world.

Hawaii is beautiful. When I picture Hawaii, I think of perfect waves, crystal clear water, friendly people and acai bowls… it was just that, and more!
Before Hawaii in December, I had only met a handful of other billabong female athletes so it was so cool to be able to meet all these girls that share the same love around the world. We shared a house on Velzy Land on the North shore, and frequently made our way to Waikiki with the team.

This trip filled my heart with so much happiness, I extended for an extra few days. I can not wait to go back next year and recreate the lovely memories with even more lovely people.

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